281 Barnard Rd, Woodstock, VT 05091


Health & Safety

The Community Campus’ Operating & Safety Handbook

At The Community Campus (TCC), our top priority is keeping the children safe and secure. Although all staff members have this responsibility, the Site Coordinators hold the ultimate responsibility. As such, the Site Coordinator ensures that students arrive and leave as instructed by their parents each day and that the school site is secured according to local procedures.


As we continue each day with COVID-10 being apart of our lives, TCC will be as flexible as possible as new guidelines are presented. Please refer the handbook for a detailed instructions on our general sickness policy. If your child is particpating in TCC programming and test positive, please stay home for five days and notify the onsite director. After five days and a negative test your child may then return to programming. We continue to follow the Vermont Health Department guidelines for a ‘close contact’ situation: https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/covid-19-symptoms-treatment