As we continue each day with COVID-10 being apart of our lives, TCC will be as flexible as possible as new guidelines are presented. Please refer the handbook for a detailed instructions on our general sickness policy. If your child is particpating in TCC programming and test positive, please stay home for five days and notify the onsite director. After five days and a negative test your child may then return to programming. We continue to follow the Vermont Health Department guidelines for a ‘close contact’ situation:
At TCC, we offer safe and enriching programming for children aged 5-12 outside of school hours. Our focus is on creating a sense of belonging among children of different ages, resulting in happy and self-confident young leaders who are connected to their community.
At TCC, we offer safe and enriching programming for children aged 5-12 outside of school hours. Our focus is on creating a sense of belonging among children of different ages, resulting in happy and self-confident young leaders who are connected to their community.